Sep. 2-6, 2009
Minnesota, USA
On behalf of the Conference Committee, we would like to welcome you to the website for the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'09). The EMBC'09 will be held during September 2~6, 2009 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the world capital of the medical device industry. The EMBC'09 technical program will consist of plenary and keynote lectures, workshops, symposia, and invited sessions, in which the leading experts from all around the world will present state-of-the-art reviews of rapidly-developing and exciting areas, report the latest significant findings and developments in all the major fields of biomedical engineering, and discuss government and industry related issues. Accepted high-quality original technical papers will be presented in poster and oral sessions, with up to 4-page papers to be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE. A number of student travel awards will also be made available to assist graduate students attending EMBC'09. We cordially invite you to participate in this exciting conference as organizers, exhibitors and/or presenters. We encourage you to share your R&D work with others by submitting a paper (up to 4 formatted pages) by April 23, 2009. If you are interested in organizing a session, you can contact the chairs of the theme that is most appropriate for your session. In case your organization is interested in our commercial and technical exhibition, you can find more information on how to reserve an exhibit booth on this website. In addition to the rich technical program, participants will also be able to interact with program directors of major funding agencies and colleagues, and participate in discussions on various issues ranging from policy and funding to technology transfer/commercialization, education and career development. A number of tours have also been planned, including the Bakken Library and Museum, the University of Minnesota, and several of many medical device companies in the Twin City area. Also, you with your family would enjoy Mall of America, the largest shopping and entertainment complex in U.S. We greatly appreciate your interest in the EMBC'09 and look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Minneapolis and EMBC'09 in September 2009. Best regards, | |
Conference Chair Bin He, Ph.D. University of Minnesota | Conference Co-Chair Yongmin Kim, Ph.D. University of Washington |