Monday, September 21, 2009

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

Plug the Power of Science into Public Policy

The Fellowships help to establish and nurture critical links between federal decision-makers and scientific professionals to support public policy that benefits the wellbeing of the nation and the planet. The Fellowships are designed to:

  • educate scientists and engineers on the intricacies of federal policymaking;
  • provide scientific expertise and analysis to support decision-makers confronting increasingly complex scientific and technical issues;
  • foster positive exchange between scientists and policymakers;
  • empower scientists and engineers to conduct policy-relevant research and other activities that address challenges facing society; and
  • increase the involvement and visibility of scientists and engineers in the public policy realm.

The Fellowships support the AAAS objectives to improve public policymaking through the infusion of science, and to increase public understanding of science and technology and are part of AAAS Science & Policy Programs.