Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Neuroimaging Data Processing Workshop
23-24 March 2011
Edinburgh, UK
Day 1 Nipype (23/03/11) - Neuroimaging

  1. 9-9.45: Introduction to nipype (Satra Ghosh)
    • Nipype: Opensource platform for unified and replicable interaction with existing neuroimaging tools
  1. 10-10.45: fMRI use case (Cyril Pernet)
  2. 11-11.45: DTI use case (Mark Bastin and Colin Buchanan)
  3. 12-11.45: Extending nipype (Chris Gorgolewski)
Afternoon (2-5pm):
  1. Hands on session

Day 2 INCF (24/03/11) - Neuroinformatics

  1. 9-9.30: (JB Poline)
  2. 9.30-10.15: (Yannick Schwartz) pyxnat: XNAT in Python
  3. 10.30-10.50: (Vincent Frouin) Computation of map association scores in imaging genetics with nipype/pyxnat
  4. 11.00-11.45: (Stephan Gerhard) Connectome Viewer and the Connectome File Format

Afternoon (1-5pm)
  1. 1-2: Connectome viewer demo
  2. 2-5: Hands on and Interactive Q&A session