ESCO 2012 - European Seminar on Coupled Problems ================================================= ESCO2012 is the 3rd event in a series of interdisciplineary meetings dedicated to computational science challenges in multi-physics and PDEs. I was invited as ESCO last year. It was an aboslute pleasure, because it is a small conference that is very focused on discussions. I learned a lot and could sit down with people who code top notch PDE libraries such as FEniCS and have technical discussions. Besides, it is hosted in the historical brewery where the Pilsner was invented. Plenty of great beer. Application areas ------------------ Theoretical results as well as applications are welcome. Application areas include, but are not limited to: Computational electromagnetics, Civil engineering, Nuclear engineering, Mechanical engineering, Computational fluid dynamics, Computational geophysics, Geomechanics and rock mechanics, Computational hydrology, Subsurface modeling, Biomechanics, Computational chemistry, Climate and weather modeling, Wave propagation, Acoustics, Stochastic differential equations, and Uncertainty quantification. Minisymposia * Multiphysics and Multiscale Problems in Civil Engineering * Modern Numerical Methods for ODE * Porous Media Hydrodynamics * Nuclear Fuel Recycling Simulations * Adaptive Methods for Eigenproblems * Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Electromagnetics * Undergraduate Projects in Technical Computing Software afternoon ------------------- Important part of each ESCO conference is a software afternoon featuring software projects by participants. Presented can be any computational software that has reached certain level of maturity, i.e., it is used outside of the author's institution, and it has a web page and a user documentation. Proceedings ----------- For each ESCO we strive to reserve a special issue of an international journal with impact factor. Proceedings of ESCO 2008 appeared in Math. Comput. Simul., proceedings of ESCO 2010 in CiCP and Appl. Math. Comput. Proceedings of ESCO 2012 will appear in Computing. Important Dates * December 15, 2011: Abstract submission deadline. * December 15, 2011: Minisymposia proposals. * January 15, 2012: Notification of acceptance. PyHPC: Python for High performance computing -------------------------------------------- If you are doing super computing, SC11, ( the Super Computing conference is the reference conference. This year there will a workshop on high performance computing with Python: PyHPC ( At the scipy conference, I was having a discussion with some of the attendees on how people often still do process management and I/O with Fortran in the big computing environment. This is counter productive. However, has success stories of supercomputing folks using high-level languages are not advertized, this is bound to stay. Come and tell us how you use Python for high performance computing! Topics * Python-based scientific applications and libraries * High performance computing * Parallel Python-based programming languages * Scientific visualization * Scientific computing education * Python performance and language issues * Problem solving environments with Python * Performance analysis tools for Python application Papers We invite you to submit a paper of up to 10 pages via the submission site. Authors are encouraged to use IEEE two column format. Important Dates * Full paper submission: September 19, 2011 * Notification of acceptance: October 7, 2011 * Camera-ready papers: October 31, 2011