Monday, March 19, 2012
32th MaxEnt 2012
the 32th Workshop on Bayesian Inference and
Maximum Entropy methods in science and engineering
at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics in Garching/Munich (15.July-20.July 2012)
welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Abstracts (limited to one page) of proposed contributions
should be submitted following the guidelines provided on the
by *** May, 01, 2012. ***
Especially encouraged are
papers whose content is novel, either conceptually or as innovative application of Bayesian Inference.
Abstracts are designated for either platform or poster sessions; awards are presented to the best poster.
Notification of the decision of the program committee will be
by May 15, 2012.
The workshop includes tutorials, state-of-the-art lectures, poster presentations and contributed papers. Selected papers will be edited and published in a book.
Topics addressed include
* Bayesian graphical models
* Experimental design
* ICA/Blind source separation
* Image reconstruction
* Machine Learning
* Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods
* Neural nets
* Quantum mechanics
* Philosophy of science
* Real world applications in various fields of science (e.g.
astrophysics, plasma physics, material science, metrology,
meteorology, biology, robotics,...)
On behalf of the organizing committee
Udo von Toussaint