2010 World Molecular Imaging Congress
September 8-11, 2010 Kyoto, Japan at the International Conference Center
Plan to join us for WMIC 2010, which will be held September 8-11, 2010 in Kyoto, Japan. We will be meeting at the beautiful International Conference Center, which has been home to many conferences of global significance.
Like WMIC 2009, this year's program will be constructed primarily on the strength of submitted abstracts, and the Program Committee will be integrating many of these abstracts into special sessions that bring attendees from different disciplines together for a comprehensive examination of the role of molecular imaging in particular biomedical problems.
We are proud to announce our Keynote Speaker for the 2010 World Molecular Imaging Congress will be:
Shizuo Akira, M.D., Ph.D.
Shizuo Akira, M.D., Ph.D., (born January 27, 1953 in Higashiosaka) is a distinguished and highly cited professor at the Department of Host Defense, Osaka University, Japan. He has made ground-breaking discoveries in the field of immunology, especially in the area of innate host defense mechanisms.
Besides being one of the world’s most-cited scientists in 2006 and 2007, Dr. Akira was recognized as the scientist who had published the greatest number of “Hot Papers” over the preceding two years. He is the recipient of several international awards, including the Robert Koch Prize and the William B. Coley Award.
Among his greatest discoveries is the demonstration, through the ablation of toll-like receptor (TLR) genes, that TLRs recognize a discrete collection of molecules of microbial origin, and later the RNA helicases, RIG-I (retinoic-acid-inducible protein I) and MDA5 (melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5). All molecules belong to the pattern recognition receptors, which detect intruding pathogens and initiate anti-microbial responses in the host.
WMIC 2010 Steering Committee
June-Key Chung, MD, PhD, Secretary General of the Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea
Johannes Czernin, MD, Immediate Past President of the Academy of Molecular Imaging, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
Win-Ping Deng, Council Representative of the Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Yasuhisa Fujibayashi, PhD, President of the Society for Molecular Imaging, University of Fukui, Japan
Andreas Jacobs, MD, President of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, Lab for Gene Therapy and Molecular Imaging, Germany
Clemens Lowik, PhD, Vice President of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Timothy McCarthy, PhD, President of the Academy of Molecular Imaging, Pfizer Global R&D, Groton, CT
Chrit Moonen, PhD, Immediate Past President of the Society for Molecular Imaging, Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux, France
Program Committee Members
Program Committee Chair
Paula Foster, PhD, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON
Disease/Organ Processes Emphasis
Win-Ping Deng, PhD, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Zahi Fayad, PhD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
In Vivo Studies Emphasis
June-Key Chung, MD, PhD, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea
Adriana Maggi, PhD, University of Milan, Italy
Methodology & Instrumentation Emphasis
Simon Cherry, PhD, University of California, Davis, CA
Vasilis Ntziachristos, PhD, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Molecular & Cellular Processes Emphasis
Ali Arbab, PhD, MD, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
Yasuyoshi Watanabe, PhD, MD, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
Probes Emphasis
William Eckelman, PhD, Molecular Tracer, LLC, Bethesda, MD
Michal Neeman, PhD, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Therapy Emphasis
Jeffery Evelhoch, PhD, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, PA
Michael Tweedle, PhD, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Educational Workshop Organizers
Bernd Pichler, PhD, University of Tuebingen, Germany
Fabian Kiessling, PhD, Aachen University, Germany