Monday, February 20, 2012

11th Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW’2012)

The 11th Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW’2012) will be held on June 6-8, 2012, in Chengdu, China. It will be hosted by LIAMA Center for Computational Medicine at CASIA (Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences) and the School of Life Science and Technology ( the '111' project on NeuroInformation) at the University of Electronic Technology and Science of China. It will be held just before the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Meeting in Beijing, June 10-14, 2012. The BCW’2012 will consist of a two day main workshop, featuring talks by leading international experts and a one day educational course designed to bring participants up to speed in cutting edge issues of Brain Connectivity. The main topics of this year will be as follows:

    Structural Connectivity: From Micro to Macro
    Foundations of Brain Connectivity Methods
    Brainnetome Meets Genome
    Clinical Applications of Brain Connectivity

    BCW has been going for 10 years now (, and is the major forum to discuss the broad and complex issues relating to brain connectivity. A unique character of the workshop is the format that emphasizes discussion over extensive presentations. Following the tradition of this workshop series, each of the invited speakers in the main workshop is requested to limit their presentation to 15 minutes and then lead a 30 minutes discussion focused on that topic. This format has been successful since the meeting's inception, and has always resulted in extensive and invigorating debate. Moreover, this year, each session chair of the main workshop will be asked to deliver a 15 minutes presentation to outline the scope and main challenges that they see of relevance to that session.

    As an essential part of BCW’2012, the one day educational course will also occur: Eight leading experts in this field will deliver introductory lectures in different fields of Brain Connectivity. In fact, in previous years most of the registrants of the main workshop also attend and contribute to questions in the educational course.

    We look forward to seeing you at BCW’2012!

    OrganizersTianzi Jiang (Chair)
    Pedro Valdes-Sosa
    Michael Breakspear
    Dezhong Yao
    Contact UsLIAMA Center for Computational Medicine
    Institute of Automation
    The Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Beijing 100190
    Phone: +86-10-6262 9189