Wednesday, February 01, 2012

2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012)


2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012)

Multivariate and predictive analysis of neuroimaging data has gained ground
very rapidly in the community over the past few years, leading to impressive
results in cognitive, affective, and clinical neurosciences. Innovations in
machine learning, such as mixed-norm regularisation, multiple kernel learning,
and online learning have been incorporated swiftly, and novel methods are 
emerging which are specifically tuned to the constraints of neuroimaging data,
prompting advances in areas such as structured sparsity or covariate
modelling. Pattern recognition and machine learning conferences now typically
feature a neuroimaging workshop, while neuroscience and brain imaging
meetings dedicate sessions and track to "brain decoding" and multivariate
predictive methods. Thus, a rich two-way flow has been established between

After Istanbul (Workshop on Brain Decoding 2010) and Seoul
(PRNI 2011), it is the intention of the 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging to continue facilitating exchange of ideas between scientific communities, with a particular interest in the link between mass-univariate, post-hoc modelling and multivariate predictive models.

** Topics of interest
PRNI welcomes original papers on multivariate predictive models of
neuroimaging data, using e.g. fMRI, sMRI, EEG, MEG, ECoG modalities,
including but not limited to the following topics:

* Learning from neuroimaging data
Online, incremental, and adaptive learning
Modality combinations
Optimisation and regularisation
Graph-based techniques and graphical models

* Interpretability of models and results
High-dimensional data visualisation
Multivariate and multiple hypothesis testing
Links between brain structure and function
Summarisation / presentation of inference results

* Applications
Disease diagnosis and prognosis
Real-time fMRI
Resting-state modelling
Cognitive neurosciences

** Submission Guidelines and Proceedings
Authors should prepare full papers with a maximum length of 4 pages (double-column, IEEE style, PDF) for review. Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Science Society in electronic format. They will be permanently available on the IEEExplore and IEEE CS Digital Library online repositories, and indexed in IET INSPEC, EI Compendex (Elsevier), Thomson ISI, and others. Participants will receive a CDROM. The workshop website has all the details:

** Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 1st of April, 2012
Acceptance notification: 7th of May, 2012
Workshop: July 2-4, 2012