Monday, February 16, 2009

Annual workshop of the NCI-sponsored U24 Small-Animal Imaging Resource (SAIR) Program centers
Translating Small-Animal Imaging Technolog to the Clinic:
Markers, Methods, and Machines: 2009

March 7 – 9, 2009

Charles F. Knight Executive Education Center
Danforth Campus
, Washington University

Washington University will again be hosting the annual workshop of the NCI-sponsored U24 Small-Animal Imaging Resource (SAIR) Program centers. The workshop, which covers a wide range of imaging modalities (optical, nuclear, MR, ultrasound, etc.), will be held March 7 – 9, 2009 at the Charles F. Knight Executive Education Center on the Danforth Campus. Senior representatives of all 13 funded SAIR centers and NCI Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) administrators and scientists will be in attendance and will be presenting talk/posters.

The SAIR workshop begins with dinner on Saturday evening, March 7, continues throughout the day and evening on Sunday, and concludes at noon on Monday, after the morning scientific session. It is intended as a “Gordon Research Conference”-style meeting with lots of time for questions and lively discussion.

Mark Henkelman, Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
‘Imaging and analysis for mouse phenotyping’

Moderator: Yuan-Chuan Tai, Washington University

Xiankai Sun, U. of Texas Southwestern Med Center
‘Dual Modality (MRI/PET) Probes for Imaging of Cancer’

Bastiaan Driehuys, Duke University
‘Hyperpolarized Gas MRI, from Mouse to Human’

Moderator: Joe Culver, Washington University

Zhenghong Lee, Case Western Reserve University
‘Pre-translational Studies for Human Diseases: a Few Case Studies’

Lihong Wang, Washington University in St. Louis
‘Photoacoustic Tomography: High-Resolution Imaging of Optical Contrast in vivo at New Depths’

Moderator: Carolyn Anderson, Washington University

Charles Manning, Vanderbilt University
‘Biological Basis of FLT-PET’

Julie Sutcliffe, University of California, Davis
‘Imaging Integrins’

Sridhar Nimmigadda, Johns Hopkins University
‘CXCR4 expression in breast cancer models’

Plenary Lecture
Carolyn Mountford, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard
‘Proton MR Spectroscopy: Bench to Bedside’

Barbara Croft, National Cancer Institute
‘The SAIR Program: Future Prospectus’

Moderator: Richard Laforest, Washington University

Pat Zanzonico, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
‘Multi-modality Imaging Studies in Translational Oncology Research’

Joseph Kalen, National Cancer Institute
‘Imaging Innate Immunity within the Tumor Micro-environment’

Arion Chatziioannou/David Stout, UCLA
‘Preclinical Imaging and New Technologies at the Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging’


Anne Menkens, National Cancer Institute
‘Cancer Imaging Camp 2009’

Moderator: Joel Garbow, Washington University

Craig Galban, University of Michigan
‘The Parametric Response Map’

Seung-Cheol Lee, University of Pennsylvania
‘Current Developments of Imaging Biomarkers for Cancer Treatment Response Analysis’

Jim Bankson, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
‘High-throughput preclinical search for an improved clinical response’

Matthias Nahrendorf/Alex Guimaraes, MGH/Harvard
‘Hybrid FMT-CT/FMT-MRI: the high throughput/low cost optical alternative to PET-CT in preclinical imaging?’
‘Monitoring tailored chemotherapeutic strategies using small animal imaging’

Friday, February 06, 2009

15th Annual Kentucky Spinal Cord & Head Injury Research Trust Symposium

Leading scientists come together to discuss the latest research in spinal cord and head injury.

June 11 and 12, 2009

Seelbach Hilton Hotel •Louisville , KY

The 15th Annual Kentucky Spinal Cord & Head Injury Research Trust Symposium – Frontiers in Spinal Cord Regeneration – will bring together internationally recognized basic science researchers and clinicians to discuss ground-breaking findings in spinal cord and head injury.

Sponsored by:
University of Louisville and Norton Healthcare

Organized by:
Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust
Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Louisville School of Medicine

50th ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference)

March 29 - April 3, 2009
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, California
Chair: Lucio Frydman, The Weizmann Institute