Monday, May 16, 2011

2011 MICCAI Workshop on
Multi-Atlas Labeling and Statistical Fusion (MALSF'11)

Thursday, September 22th, 2011, 8am to 12pm 
Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paper submission deadline: June 3rd, 2011


Characterization of anatomical structure through segmentation has become essential for morphological assessment and localizing quantitative measures. Yet, determining consistent and valid segmentations remains a challenging technical and research objective. Manual labeling paradigms are time consuming and limited by inter- and intra-expert variability, while, appearance modeling approaches are difficult to generalize and susceptible to variations in image acquisition parameters and the artifacts.

Segmentation through registration and atlas label transfer has proven to be a flexible and fruitful approach as efficient, non-rigid image registration methods have become prevalent. Label transfer segmentation using multiple atlases has helped to bring statistical fusion, shape modeling, and meta-analysis techniques to the forefront of segmentation research. New innovations at each stage of analysis, from atlas creation, atlas selection/rejection, registration, fusion, modeling, and meta-analysis will be essential for continued success and translation into the clinic. The workshop will provide a snapshot of the current progress in the field.


Full-length papers are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Multi-atlas registration
* Statistical methods for label fusion
* Theory and applications with discrete, continuous, or non-traditional label types
* Manifolds methods and applications for voxel, volume, surface, or non-traditional multi-atlas representations
* Atlas design, selection, and exclusion
* Multi-atlas informed and augmented approaches, including shape modeling
* Applications of multi-atlas methods for segmentation and labeling
* Visualization and hypothesis exploration approaches using multi-atlases

Papers accepted at the main conference may not be double-submitted to MALSF'11.


Bennett Landman, Vanderbilt URL
Simon Warfield, Harvard URL


Paul Aljabar, Imperial College London URL
Benoit Dawant, Vanderbilt URL
Dzung Pham, Henry M. Jackson Foundation URL
Jerry Prince, Johns Hopkins URL
Torsten Rohlfing, Stanford URL
Dinggang Shen UNC Chapel Hill URL
T. Robin Langerak, Utrecht URL
Paul Thompson URL
Paul Yushkevich, UPENN URL


Paper Submission 6/3/2011 11:59:00 PM PDT
Review Deadline 7/1/2011 5:00:00 PM
Author Notification 7/8/2011 5:00:00 PM
Camera Ready Proof 7/13/2011 5:00:00 PM
Workshop 9/22/2011 AM Session


Papers submitted to the workshop should conform to the MICCAI formatting instructions, with few minor modifications explained below:
* Papers should be in the LNCS style
* Suggested length is 8 pages, maximum length is 12 pages
* Submitted in PDF format
* Color illustrations in the PDF are not subject to fees
* Details of the online submission system will be announced shortly on the workshop webpage

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!
MALSF'11 organizers

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Python in Neuroscience satellite 2011
Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, August 29-30 2011 (after Euroscipy)
The “Python in Neuroscience” workshop aims at gathering researchers who develop or use software tools in different branches of neuroscience in order to share ideas, concepts, tools and to foster collaborative projects based on the Python language. Main Topics ============ * tools for neural simulation, * electrophysiology data analysis, * data management and databasing in neuroimaging and neuroscience, * stimulus generation * neuroimaging data processing * workflows and pipelines for data processing * massive computation facilities for simulation and data analysis in neuroscience * visualization tools in neuroscience and neuroimaging Call for Contributions ======================== We are soliciting contributions that deal with the above topics using Python tools, including research projects and software presentations, with the hope of interesting a broader community, including e.g. neuroscience and neuroimaging. Important dates ================ Abstract submission deadline: June 1st, 2011 Final program: June 30th, 2011 Workshop: August 28-20, 2011 Submission guidelines * We solicit talk proposals in the form of a one-page long abstract. * The condition for acceptance is that the abstract fits well with the workshop theme. * Oral and poster presentations will be allocated depending on the number of contributions. Website Contact: Chairs * Bertrand Thirion (INRIA Saclay) * Romain Brette (ENS Paris) Program committee * Eilif Müller, Blue Brain Project, EPFL Laussane * Gaël Varoquaux, INSERM U992, Saclay * Raphaël Ritz, INCF, Stockholm, Sweden * Laurent Perrinet, INCM, Marseille * Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS, Gif