Monday, February 20, 2012

11th Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW’2012)

The 11th Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW’2012) will be held on June 6-8, 2012, in Chengdu, China. It will be hosted by LIAMA Center for Computational Medicine at CASIA (Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences) and the School of Life Science and Technology ( the '111' project on NeuroInformation) at the University of Electronic Technology and Science of China. It will be held just before the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Meeting in Beijing, June 10-14, 2012. The BCW’2012 will consist of a two day main workshop, featuring talks by leading international experts and a one day educational course designed to bring participants up to speed in cutting edge issues of Brain Connectivity. The main topics of this year will be as follows:

    Structural Connectivity: From Micro to Macro
    Foundations of Brain Connectivity Methods
    Brainnetome Meets Genome
    Clinical Applications of Brain Connectivity

    BCW has been going for 10 years now (, and is the major forum to discuss the broad and complex issues relating to brain connectivity. A unique character of the workshop is the format that emphasizes discussion over extensive presentations. Following the tradition of this workshop series, each of the invited speakers in the main workshop is requested to limit their presentation to 15 minutes and then lead a 30 minutes discussion focused on that topic. This format has been successful since the meeting's inception, and has always resulted in extensive and invigorating debate. Moreover, this year, each session chair of the main workshop will be asked to deliver a 15 minutes presentation to outline the scope and main challenges that they see of relevance to that session.

    As an essential part of BCW’2012, the one day educational course will also occur: Eight leading experts in this field will deliver introductory lectures in different fields of Brain Connectivity. In fact, in previous years most of the registrants of the main workshop also attend and contribute to questions in the educational course.

    We look forward to seeing you at BCW’2012!

    OrganizersTianzi Jiang (Chair)
    Pedro Valdes-Sosa
    Michael Breakspear
    Dezhong Yao
    Contact UsLIAMA Center for Computational Medicine
    Institute of Automation
    The Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Beijing 100190
    Phone: +86-10-6262 9189

    Symposium for Neuroimaging Advances in Paediatrics (SNAP)

    Title:        Symposium for Neuroimaging Advances in Paediatrics (SNAP)
    Date:       Friday 4th May 
    Venue:     Ella Latham Theatre,  Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington
    Rd, Parkville
    Registrations open Monday 20th February 
    Numbers strictly limited.
    For more information contact 
    You are invited to take this rare opportunity to learn from
    internationally renowned speakers and to network with others in the
    field. This one-day symposium will equip you with 10 Things you should
    know about... atlas construction, voxel based morphometry, fMRI and
    resting state data analysis, diffusion weighted imaging, perfusion
    imaging, and more! The symposium will also cover applications of
    paediatric neuroimaging, including 10 things neuroimaging has told us
    about... neurodevelopment, premature birth and childhood head injury.
    Guest speakers include:  
    -        Marko Wilke (Children’s Hospital, University of Tübingen) 
    -        Gareth Barker (Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London)
    -        Mark Jenkinson (FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford)
    -        Clare Kelly (New York University)
    -        Derek Jones (Cardiff University)
    -        Fernando Calamante (Brain Research Institute)
    -        Rhoshel Lenroot (University of New South Wales)
    -        Vicki Anderson (Murdoch Childrens Research Institute)

    Wednesday, February 08, 2012

    HIVE Workshop Berlin 2012 on Brain Stimulation


    Hyper-Interaction Viability Experiments Workshop

    Could computers someday interact directly with the human brain? This is the motto of the HIVE project. The goal of the workshop is to present research toward developing a new generation of powerful and controllable non-invasive brain stimulation technologies.

    We hereby invite contributions to this second public HIVE workshop,  to be held in Berlin on April 27-28th, 2012. Submission deadline for Abstracts is 11th March.

    Contributions must be of a high scientific level, and typically would describe, attempt to understand, or engineer brain stimulation phenomena as well as clinical applications. Submission page instructions are here:

    Researchers with new results working in any the following research areas are encouraged to submit abstracts:

    -Biophysical models of current flow in the brain
    -Neuron-current interaction models
    -Inverse modeling of neural activity
    -Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) for communication
    -tDCS, tACS, TMS experimental results
    -Neurofeedback and neuromodulation
    -Real-time EEG monitoring
    -EEG-fMRI relationships
    -Brain stimulation for therapy (sleep, improved consciousness)
    -New technologies (hardware, software, algorithms) for hyper-interaction or CBI

    Submitted papers will be rated by the scientific committee on quality and relevance to the goals of HIVE. The best papers will be awarded with an oral presentation, and the remaining papers may be presented as posters and will be discussed during breaks or at the end of the day. We look forward to an exciting conference with most stimulating discussions.  Best abstracts and presentations will be selected for publication in a Special Issue of the journal "Physiological Measurement":

    Wednesday, February 01, 2012

    2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012)

    2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012)
    Multivariate and predictive analysis of neuroimaging data has gained ground
    very rapidly in the community over the past few years, leading to impressive
    results in cognitive, affective, and clinical neurosciences. Innovations in
    machine learning, such as mixed-norm regularisation, multiple kernel learning,
    and online learning have been incorporated swiftly, and novel methods are 
    emerging which are specifically tuned to the constraints of neuroimaging data,
    prompting advances in areas such as structured sparsity or covariate
    modelling. Pattern recognition and machine learning conferences now typically
    feature a neuroimaging workshop, while neuroscience and brain imaging
    meetings dedicate sessions and track to "brain decoding" and multivariate
    predictive methods. Thus, a rich two-way flow has been established between
    After Istanbul (Workshop on Brain Decoding 2010) and Seoul
    (PRNI 2011), it is the intention of the 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging to continue facilitating exchange of ideas between scientific communities, with a particular interest in the link between mass-univariate, post-hoc modelling and multivariate predictive models.
    ** Topics of interest
    PRNI welcomes original papers on multivariate predictive models of
    neuroimaging data, using e.g. fMRI, sMRI, EEG, MEG, ECoG modalities,
    including but not limited to the following topics:
    * Learning from neuroimaging data
    Online, incremental, and adaptive learning
    Modality combinations
    Optimisation and regularisation
    Graph-based techniques and graphical models
    * Interpretability of models and results
    High-dimensional data visualisation
    Multivariate and multiple hypothesis testing
    Links between brain structure and function
    Summarisation / presentation of inference results
    * Applications
    Disease diagnosis and prognosis
    Real-time fMRI
    Resting-state modelling
    Cognitive neurosciences
    ** Submission Guidelines and Proceedings
    Authors should prepare full papers with a maximum length of 4 pages (double-column, IEEE style, PDF) for review. Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Science Society in electronic format. They will be permanently available on the IEEExplore and IEEE CS Digital Library online repositories, and indexed in IET INSPEC, EI Compendex (Elsevier), Thomson ISI, and others. Participants will receive a CDROM. The workshop website has all the details:
    ** Important Dates
    Paper submission deadline: 1st of April, 2012
    Acceptance notification: 7th of May, 2012
    Workshop: July 2-4, 2012