Sunday, January 18, 2009


AdMeTech Foundation develops strategic partnerships with academia, advocacy, industry, and government to facilitate development and implementation of accurate, affordable, accessible diagnostic tools for improved early detection and treatment of prostate cancer. Specific objectives include:

  • Development and implementation of effective strategy for technological innovation and related research
  • Education of medical community and general public.

Imaging is the Solution:
Advanced diagnostic technologies will make a direct and profound impact on quality of care, quality of life, and health care costs, including:

  • Saving men's lives
  • Identifying men requiring preventive measures
  • Improving early detection, and staging, of cancer which is critical for cure
  • Eliminating unnecessary treatment ‐with all the related complications and costs ‐ by recognizing non‐aggressive prostate cancer
  • Enhancing patient monitoring before, during, and after treatment
  • Avoiding unnecessary biopsies
  • Allowing for least invasive and most effective treatment:
    • To be performed in outpatient clinics
    • With minimal complications, discomfort and expense
  • Reducing health care costs by at least $5 billion per year.

    U.S. Congress Supports AdMeTech’s Initiatives
    AdMeTech has been successfully working with members of the U.S. Congress to develop legislative initiatives calling upon the federal government to put forth the resources necessary to advance prostate diagnostics, including:

  • U.S. Senate S. 1734 The PRIME (Prostate Research Imaging & Men's Education) Act;
  • U.S. House of Representatives H.R. 3563 The PRIME (Prostate Research Imaging & Men's Education) Act; and
  • U.S. House Resolution 353 states that it is the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress and the Executive Branch should recognize the successful use of advanced imaging technologies in the fight against breast cancer and provide additional support for the research and development of technologies for prostate cancer detection and treatment comparable to state-of-the-art mammograms.

Research Projects Planned for 2008-2010

Overall Objectives:

1) To establish an International Prostate MRI Working Group that will accomplish the following goals:

  1. Expedite testing of MRI/MRS, currently considered the most promising clinical imaging technology for prostate cancer, for diagnosis and assessment of treatment and
  2. Develop near- and long-term research strategy for facilitated advancement of MRI/MRS. This will include development of technical specifications, standards and quality control for clinical testing.

2) To continue expansion of a multi-disciplinary ongoing consortium/Brain Trust on Molecular Imaging of Prostate Cancer for strategic planning to stimulate novel ideas and to expedite fundamental discovery, feasibility studies and technologic innovation.