Thursday, May 14, 2009

August 22-27, 2010
Cairns, Australia

It is a pleasure to invite you to attend the XXIVth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, to be held August 22-27, 2010. The venue will be the Convention Centre in Cairns, a major regional city which is also a gateway to the magnificent Great Barrier Reef and the tropical north of Australia.

The ICMRBS is held biennially and brings together a broad cross-section of experts from around the world with interests in the applications of all aspects of magnetic resonance in biology. ICMRBS XXIV will maintain that tradition, featuring plenary and keynote lectures and concurrent sessions that cover new methods development and biological applications of high-resolution and solid-state NMR, EPR, in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy, metabolomics, and magnetic resonance imaging. This conference is the major scientific event in the field of magnetic resonance applications in the biological sciences.

Recent conferences have attracted delegates from all over the world, with a growing number of participants from Asia. It is fitting that the XXIVth conference will be held in this region.

On behalf of the Organising and Program Committees, I extend a warm welcome to delegates from around the globe.

The conference flyer can be downloaded from the website using this link:

We would be grateful if you could forward this to interested colleagues and display a copy on your noticeboards.

Please also visit the conference website ( for further information about the conference and the location.

We look forward to seeing you in Australia in August 2010.

Warm regards,

Ray Norton

Chair, XXIV ICMRBS Organising Committee