Friday, April 23, 2010

SINAPSE is a consortium of six Scottish universities; Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, and Stirling. It has been established with funding from the Scottish Funding Council, the Chief Scientific Office and the six Universities.

The main research focus is on imaging the brain, with additional interests in oncology and cardiovascular imaging. The technology focus is primarily on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and electrophysiology (EEG). The network provides funding that has increased the number of key research staff and students within Scotland and it allows the sharing of skills and education via e-learning, seminars and other key events.
Aims & Objectives of SINAPSE
  • To attract the best research leaders to a world-class network
  • To build on existing strengths and foster exciting new neuroimaging research
  • To promote research excellence and enhance Scotland's position as a global leader in imaging research
  • To improve the research infrastructure and access to facilities
  • To train the next generation of brain-imaging researchers
  • To link the neuroimaging community together
  • To generate opportunities for knowledge transfer
  • To develop a sustainable long term environment for imaging research.