Thursday, January 20, 2011


The Laboratory for Interpersonal Decision Neuroscience (PI: Brooks King-Casas) is currently accepting applications for two postdoctoral fellows. The laboratory investigates behavioral and neural computations underlying normative and pathological social behavior using methods of behavioral economics, social psychology, and decision neuroscience.  Current projects focus on social reward learning, individual differences in social behavior, as well as pharmacological influences on social choice.

The laboratory is part of the newly established Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (, and is affiliated with the Virginia Tech Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, as well as the Salem VA Medical Center and Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center.  The VTCRI provides full access to outstanding computing and neuroimaging infrastructure, including three research-dedicated Siemens 3T Trio scanners. In addition, the laboratory is currently collaborating with clinical research teams focused on pathological social behavior associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, mild traumatic brain injury, addiction, and personality disorders. The VTCRI is located in historic Roanoke, VA, and enjoys many outdoor opportunities along the Blue Ridge Parkway and southern Appalachian Mountains.

Successful candidates will have broad interests in interdisciplinary work in social behavior, and demonstrated expertise and creativity in one or more of the following fields: cognitive or computational neuroscience, bioengineering, behavioral economics, affective or social neuroscience, and experimental psychopathology.

To inquire for more information, please contact Nina Lauharatanahirun ( or 540-526-2068. To apply, please visit