Saturday, September 15, 2012

2012 MICCAI Grand Challenge and Workshop on Multi-Atlas Labeling

Acropolis Convention and Exhibition Centre, Nice France            October 5th, 2012 - AM Session
Website:                      Paper submission deadline: June 12th, 2012


Multi-atlas techniques are becoming increasingly integral to numerous medical image computing approaches and are now expanding into for diverse anatomical regions. The proposed workshop will present a forum to discuss recent advances in multi-atlas techniques. The discussion will focus on new methods/applications of multi-atlas labeling and comparative evaluations of methods on a newly public, manually labeled dataset. First, we will host a discussion on methods, theory, and applications in which traditional MICCAI format papers will be solicited. Second, we will host a challenge on whole-brain labeling which will provide an opportunity to characterize multiple labels, inter-label relationships, and heterogeneous structures (sponsored by NeuroMorphometrics). Submissions will be encouraged using a limited 3-4 page format.


* Full-length papers are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Multi-atlas registration
* Statistical methods for label fusion
* Theory and applications with discrete, continuous, or non-traditional label types
* Manifolds theory and applications for voxel, volume, surface, or non-traditional multi-atlas representations
* Atlas design, selection, and exclusion
* Multi-atlas informed and augmented approaches, including shape modeling
* Applications of multi-atlas methods for segmentation and labeling
* Visualization and hypothesis exploration approaches using multi-atlases
Manuscripts may not be accepted at the main conference or submitted to any other MICCAI 2012 workshop.


Bennett Landman, Vanderbilt University
Simon Warfield, Harvard Medical School


Paul Aljabar, Imperial College London; Dzung Pham, Henry M. Jackson Foundation; Hakmook Kang, Vanderbilt University; Arno Klein, Columbia University; Torsten Rohlfing, Stanford University; Dinggang Shen UNC Chapel Hill; T. Robin Langerak, Utrecht University ; Paul Thompson, UCLA; Paul Yushkevich, UPENN


Technical Manuscripts Due (Extended MICCAI Format) - 6/12/2012
Challenge Testing Procedure Available - 6/1/2012-6/8/2012
Challenge Manuscripts Due (Abbreviated MICCAI Format) - 6/12/2012

We look forward to seeing you in Nice!

Bennett Landman, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
     Department of Electrical Engineering (primary)
     Department of Biomedical Engineering
     Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
     Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering
Director of the Center for Computational Imaging
     Vanderbilt University Institute of Image Science